Monday, August 22, 2011

The Cheif

    So a lot of you are probably very concerned because I have not posted an update in several weeks. Well, don't worry, I'm actually alive and well. I've just been really busy being cool and earning money and spending it. But don't be alarmed! I shall in fact give you a sum up of my summer. Not yet though, because it is not quite over.

    However, I do have something to tell you all about. There is this little terrier dog thing that wanders around our neighborhood. He's just a tiny little pooch but he walks around like he owns the neighborhood. The funny thing is that no other dogs are allowed to do that. He seems to be the only one that gets free to run around. At first I was annoyed by this little dog, but while mowing the grass today he pranced on by me and that's when I realized I actually liked this pooch. His name is Rigsey.
This is what he looks like, except that he is black and white.


  1. I have never seen this dog before. I do hope I will meet him some day.

  2. I will be sure to keep an eye out for him to show you.
