Thursday, September 6, 2012

  Wow its been some time since I posted on here so I'm sure everyone is DYING to know what is going on in my life. Surprisingly not a whole lot is going on. This summer I worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship here in Schuylkill county. I loved it! It was great being able to meet kids in the county and share the gospel with them. This summer made me really excited to get to Brazil in January and work with the kids down there. Speaking of Brazil, right now I am working at a place that builds roof trusses and taking online courses. What does that have to do with Brazil? Well I'm saving money so that I can pay for my online classes while I am in Brazil. These next few months are good for me to prepare by getting used to my online classes and save up some money. Just tonight I started Rosetta Stone, learning Portuguese!! I really enjoy the language so I'm pretty excited about it.
  Please keep praying for me as I get ready for January! I'm so excited to see what God has for me there. Also if you want to give towards my trip, feel free too! Don't feel like you have give a lot. If everyone on my mailing list gave $8 a month, that would cover my support! So whether it's $1 or $1,000,000 I appreciate it all! Here's a link to give if you would like too.