Today (Boxing day) I decided to go for a walk in the woods. It has been snowing for several hours now. So it was quite the winter wonderland.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Happy Boxing Day
This has been a unique Christmas for me. The reason being is that I was sick the entire time. Sunday evening I felt myself coming down with something. On Monday I felt slightly mediocre. Yesterday (Tuesday) I felt like pure death. I laid on the couch and drank tea all day. It was awful. Can you imagine being to sick to eat on one of the best food days of the entire year? However the day did have its perks. Such as the amount of coffee acquired.
Today (Boxing day) I decided to go for a walk in the woods. It has been snowing for several hours now. So it was quite the winter wonderland.
Just in case you might have a misconception that I am enjoy this weather, you must know that I was thinking about summer most of the time on my walk. So anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful boxing day. It has been a good one for me. This is the first year that Boxing day was better the Christmas.
Today (Boxing day) I decided to go for a walk in the woods. It has been snowing for several hours now. So it was quite the winter wonderland.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Leaving soon!
Hello everyone!
Quick update. I am very close to reaching full support! So if you haven't sent any in and you want to, feel free to! If you have promised support and are wondering when to start sending it, now is the time. I am very excited to see how God will work using your support and how you will be blessed through it.
Right now I am set to leave for Brazil. I am just waiting on clearance from the FBI in order to apply for my visa. Please pray that I get that paperwork soon! Once I get it, I'll buy my plane ticket and go to the embassy in NY to get my visa. So please pray that it comes soon. I am very excited to leave and this waiting stuff can be really hard sometimes.
Quick update. I am very close to reaching full support! So if you haven't sent any in and you want to, feel free to! If you have promised support and are wondering when to start sending it, now is the time. I am very excited to see how God will work using your support and how you will be blessed through it.
Right now I am set to leave for Brazil. I am just waiting on clearance from the FBI in order to apply for my visa. Please pray that I get that paperwork soon! Once I get it, I'll buy my plane ticket and go to the embassy in NY to get my visa. So please pray that it comes soon. I am very excited to leave and this waiting stuff can be really hard sometimes.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
8 Weeks
In 8 weeks I will be headed to Brazil if all goes well. It seems like such a long way away but I am sure it will go very fast and be here in no time! At this point I'm probably the most worried I have ever been in my life. I have to raise close to 100% of my monthly support needs this month in order to leave in January. At this point I am at 25%. So I am really learning about trusting God to do what He wants and not what I want.
Please if you have any desire to support me on my trip to Brazil, don't hesitate! Send in the support this month! If you have questions you can ask me. Please don't feel like you need to send in $10000000's. If everyone on my mailing list sent 8 dollars a month, that would cover my entire monthly support! So please pray about it!
Please if you have any desire to support me on my trip to Brazil, don't hesitate! Send in the support this month! If you have questions you can ask me. Please don't feel like you need to send in $10000000's. If everyone on my mailing list sent 8 dollars a month, that would cover my entire monthly support! So please pray about it!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
So I decided to make some desert today. Here are the pictures.
So yeah I can bake. I'm pretty decent too. Straight off of pinterest. No I don't have one. Its from a friends. Not a guy, a girl. I don't know of any of my guy friends that have pinterest.
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Start with Chocolate Chip cookie dough. Hand made. |
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Add Oreos. Double-stuffed. |
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Now for the fudge brownies. |
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Plop that baby in the oven. |
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Do the dishes. |
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And the final product. |
Monday, October 15, 2012
Hello Everyone!
You all may be wondering what I have been doing since my last letter. Well good news, because I’m about to tell you. I’ll start out with my summer because it’s important.
This summer I worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship in Schuylkill county, Pa. I got to work with kids at day camps we hosted all over the county. It was an amazing time to share the gospel with many kids and get to know them. The reason I tell you is because over the summer I really came to a point where I realized that working with kids brings me some fulfillment. God has placed in my hear the desire to work with kids and help them in whatever way I can. I think this is what I’ll be doing the rest of my life. Where or how I don’t know, but I believe God has given me this desire for a reason. So we’ll just have to wait and see!
BRAZIL. Every day is another day closer to the day I leave. I get a little more excited as each week goes by. This summer actually made me even more excited to be down their working with those kids. Currently I’m working a full time job and taking online classes. Between these I’m staying very busy! I like my job, I get to work hard so that I’m tired when I get home. In the evenings I work on school for a few hours. So by the time I to go bed, I’m mentally and physically exhausted. Working is helping me to pay off some school bills that I have and save up in order to pay for school while I’m in Brazil. Taking the online courses is helping me to get used to it before I go to Brazil. It would be tough trying to start classes as soon as I got to Brazil. This way I’m already used to how classes work.
Another awesome thing about my life right now is Portuguese! I’m taking Rosetta Stone right now to learn some Portuguese before I get to Brazil. Most people don’t speak any English down there so I need to learn!
Lastly I want to give you all an idea of my support. Thanks so much! My financial support is coming in much faster than I had thought! God answers prayers really quickly sometimes. Right now my monthly support is around 60%. My setup costs are almost completely paid for as well! This includes my training, visa, and plane ticket. So again, thank you so much for your support! Lord willing in a few short months I’ll be in Brazil!!!
If you want to help support me, there is a link on the side bar where you can give online. PLEASE!!! Don't feel like you have to. BUT don't feel like you want to but can't give enough. Every bit helps, so even if its a dollar a month it helps!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wow its been some time since I posted on here so I'm sure everyone is DYING to know what is going on in my life. Surprisingly not a whole lot is going on. This summer I worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship here in Schuylkill county. I loved it! It was great being able to meet kids in the county and share the gospel with them. This summer made me really excited to get to Brazil in January and work with the kids down there. Speaking of Brazil, right now I am working at a place that builds roof trusses and taking online courses. What does that have to do with Brazil? Well I'm saving money so that I can pay for my online classes while I am in Brazil. These next few months are good for me to prepare by getting used to my online classes and save up some money. Just tonight I started Rosetta Stone, learning Portuguese!! I really enjoy the language so I'm pretty excited about it.
Please keep praying for me as I get ready for January! I'm so excited to see what God has for me there. Also if you want to give towards my trip, feel free too! Don't feel like you have give a lot. If everyone on my mailing list gave $8 a month, that would cover my support! So whether it's $1 or $1,000,000 I appreciate it all! Here's a link to give if you would like too.
Please keep praying for me as I get ready for January! I'm so excited to see what God has for me there. Also if you want to give towards my trip, feel free too! Don't feel like you have give a lot. If everyone on my mailing list gave $8 a month, that would cover my support! So whether it's $1 or $1,000,000 I appreciate it all! Here's a link to give if you would like too.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
This is going to be a fun summer. I've attained a small friend that I've decided to take traveling with me wherever I go. I'll probably include him in a lot of my pictures as well. A friend and I decided to name him Saint Jeffery for no reason at all. But here is a picture of my little friend.
This afternoon I decided it would be pretty awesome to try a paint texture on my gun. So I thought about it and gave it a try.
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Saint Jeffery |
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Prepped for painting |
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Almost done |
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Finished product |
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Today I am heading back to New York with my good friend Steve. We are going to be doing training there for about a week. The Training is learning how to raise support for our internships next year. Steve is going to Mexico.
Last night I stayed at Steve's house. We had alot of fun. He lives kind of in the woods so we went for a trek last night. we found some sweet vines that we could swing from. The first one we tried out was fun. Steve had a successful swing so I gave it a try. I weigh a little more than Steve and apparently that made a big difference. As soon as I got to the peak of the swing, the vine came loose and I plummeted down to earth. I wasn't too hurt other than a scratch on my butt. So we gave that one up.
Soon we found a bigger one. It was rather epic! It swung higher and farther than ever before. I might take my camera out and get some pics and video of it.
Last night I stayed at Steve's house. We had alot of fun. He lives kind of in the woods so we went for a trek last night. we found some sweet vines that we could swing from. The first one we tried out was fun. Steve had a successful swing so I gave it a try. I weigh a little more than Steve and apparently that made a big difference. As soon as I got to the peak of the swing, the vine came loose and I plummeted down to earth. I wasn't too hurt other than a scratch on my butt. So we gave that one up.
Soon we found a bigger one. It was rather epic! It swung higher and farther than ever before. I might take my camera out and get some pics and video of it.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Well it is very hard to believe that i am only 1 day away from finishing my second year here at Word of Life Bible Institute. This year has gone by so fast! There have been a lot of awesome times with friends and roommates. I've learned a lot this year and have grown a little bit to I think.
I'm really excited to be moving on to the next stage of my life. I'm getting married!!!! Just kidding I'm not. I have the opportunity to work for Word of Life as an intern in Brazil for two years beginning in january.
Thats about it for now. It's lunch time now so Im gonna go eat!
I'm really excited to be moving on to the next stage of my life. I'm getting married!!!! Just kidding I'm not. I have the opportunity to work for Word of Life as an intern in Brazil for two years beginning in january.
Thats about it for now. It's lunch time now so Im gonna go eat!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Hey Everyone!!!! Here is a brief overview of how my time in Brazil was! Enjoy reading it and looking at the pictures!
On Saturday we went shopping in Atibia. That was ok, mostly what made it hard was the rain. We had to walk around in the rain, and most of us got soaked. Stuff in Brazil wasn’t much cheaper then it is here in the states. Certain things were more expensive. Cars and technology were more expensive. The food generally was cheaper though.That night we went to a Brazilian steakhouse. It was so good! They served us all kinds of meat! I didn’t know what I was eating a lot of the time, but it tasted good so I ate it. The waiters would bring the meats to us on spits. If we wanted it they would cut it right of onto our plates for us. I felt so fat!
Sunday we spent some time in Sao Paulo working with some city kids. It was fun to spend time with them and sharing God’s love with them. That night we went to a church and sang for the congregation.
On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday we went to a camp property and had a camp there. Everyday some public schools would bring the kids there. We would share the gospel with them and sing songs and do some dramas. After that we would play with the kids all day. It was a great experience getting to know the kids and bonding with them. These kids don’t have many people in their lives that show them love. So it was really special for them to have someone that wanted to be there and play with them. The gospel was given everyday to the kids. Everyday we had a few hundred kids show up. Unfortunately we don’t know how many kids trusted Christ, but we do know that the seed was planted in hundreds of hearts.
Wednessday I stayed at Vinde Meninos and helped out there. It was cool to see the kids again and spend time with them. They were happy to have guys to play with because there are no guys that help with that ministry. One of the things we got to do for the kids was give them a good meal. Some of them might not get much food back home so its good for them to be able to have a good meal. We sent all the leftovers home with them as well.
Friday was our last day there. We went to the camp property again, but the schools canceled because of rain. So we had some time for ourselves to hang out and explore a little bit. It was really nice. I hiked through some of the trails in the jungle. We also were able to spend some time with the students that were studying that Word of Life in Brazil. They had a evangelism seminar that weekend and they held it at the camp property. They were really good at soccer and wanted to play us. So a bunch of our team played them in soccer. I didn’t because I’m not good at all. Most of the time I was in the woods or on the boats.
We got up early Saturday morning to go back to the States. It was sad to have to leave Brazil. I loved it there.
I learned several things while on this trip. I was able to see first hand a lot of poverty that we don’t see in the states. It was interesting to see poverty and wealth so close together when I wasn’t used to seeing it in the states. The culture was a little different but not to much. They drove cars that I wasn’t used to seeing and the roads were a little different. The buildings were designed differently. Even though there were many differences, I saw that people are still the same. The people there had the same needs and same anxieties. They were the same as us here in the states but just in a different place. They still needed Jesus as much as anyone in any part of the world does. I also saw how the missionaries there lived out the ministry. They didn’t just do ministry, it involved every part of their life. They were totally devoted to it. That was encouraging for me to see, but it also challenged me to live my life that way as well. I need to live my life the same way. My identity isn’t my own anymore. My identity is found in Christ.
trip to Brazil was the best 8 days of my life so far. I loved being in a
different culture with different people and landscape. The trip there
was slightly hard because of its length. It was an 11 hour plane ride
and I couldn’t really sleep because of the size of the plane seats.
We got there Friday morning around 8 AM. After eating breakfast we
spent some time talking with the missionaries that would be with us the
whole trip. We also took our stuff to where we stayed and freshened up a
little bit. We were staying on the property of a ministry they had
called Vinde Meninos. This ministry reached out to the local poor kids
in the area. These kids literally had hardly anything. They lived in
shacks, some of which only had a roof. Their parents were into drugs and
prostitution. So these kids would come to the property and they would
be taught Bible lessons and songs. Some of them would learn how to play
the recorder and some would read. They also played outside. So Friday
afternoon we spent time playing with them. We played soccer and gave
them balloons. They loved the balloons! It was a lo of fun spending the
time with them. That night we had a cook out. Basically it was beef,
chicken, and pork on sticks that were cooked over the grill. It was so
delicious! That night was the first time I had Guranua. It is a
Brazilian soda that tastes amazing!On Saturday we went shopping in Atibia. That was ok, mostly what made it hard was the rain. We had to walk around in the rain, and most of us got soaked. Stuff in Brazil wasn’t much cheaper then it is here in the states. Certain things were more expensive. Cars and technology were more expensive. The food generally was cheaper though.That night we went to a Brazilian steakhouse. It was so good! They served us all kinds of meat! I didn’t know what I was eating a lot of the time, but it tasted good so I ate it. The waiters would bring the meats to us on spits. If we wanted it they would cut it right of onto our plates for us. I felt so fat!
Sunday we spent some time in Sao Paulo working with some city kids. It was fun to spend time with them and sharing God’s love with them. That night we went to a church and sang for the congregation.
On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday we went to a camp property and had a camp there. Everyday some public schools would bring the kids there. We would share the gospel with them and sing songs and do some dramas. After that we would play with the kids all day. It was a great experience getting to know the kids and bonding with them. These kids don’t have many people in their lives that show them love. So it was really special for them to have someone that wanted to be there and play with them. The gospel was given everyday to the kids. Everyday we had a few hundred kids show up. Unfortunately we don’t know how many kids trusted Christ, but we do know that the seed was planted in hundreds of hearts.
Wednessday I stayed at Vinde Meninos and helped out there. It was cool to see the kids again and spend time with them. They were happy to have guys to play with because there are no guys that help with that ministry. One of the things we got to do for the kids was give them a good meal. Some of them might not get much food back home so its good for them to be able to have a good meal. We sent all the leftovers home with them as well.
Friday was our last day there. We went to the camp property again, but the schools canceled because of rain. So we had some time for ourselves to hang out and explore a little bit. It was really nice. I hiked through some of the trails in the jungle. We also were able to spend some time with the students that were studying that Word of Life in Brazil. They had a evangelism seminar that weekend and they held it at the camp property. They were really good at soccer and wanted to play us. So a bunch of our team played them in soccer. I didn’t because I’m not good at all. Most of the time I was in the woods or on the boats.
We got up early Saturday morning to go back to the States. It was sad to have to leave Brazil. I loved it there.
I learned several things while on this trip. I was able to see first hand a lot of poverty that we don’t see in the states. It was interesting to see poverty and wealth so close together when I wasn’t used to seeing it in the states. The culture was a little different but not to much. They drove cars that I wasn’t used to seeing and the roads were a little different. The buildings were designed differently. Even though there were many differences, I saw that people are still the same. The people there had the same needs and same anxieties. They were the same as us here in the states but just in a different place. They still needed Jesus as much as anyone in any part of the world does. I also saw how the missionaries there lived out the ministry. They didn’t just do ministry, it involved every part of their life. They were totally devoted to it. That was encouraging for me to see, but it also challenged me to live my life that way as well. I need to live my life the same way. My identity isn’t my own anymore. My identity is found in Christ.
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A view we drove by |
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Our team listening to the kids singing for us |
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Playing soccer |
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Me sharing the gospel |
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singing a song |
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More soccer |
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Kid playing Frisbee |
Monday, March 19, 2012
Where I am in the Adirondacks is an amazing place for hiking! A few weekends ago, I hiked Mt. Cascade. It was an amazing hike! We hiked it right before the sunset so we could watch the sunset from the top. Here are a few pictures and clips from the hike! Enjoy!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Snow Camp
Yes, I am still alive. I've just been very busy with school and snow camp on the weekends. You may be wondering what snow camp is. Well I couldn't explain it any better then this movie. So watch this movie. No I didn't make it.
Monday, January 30, 2012
The best day of this year
So this may have been the best day of this year so far. It started off pretty normal monday, got up around 11 because I needed lots of sleep. Went to lunch and ate some food drank some tea and coffee, then it was time to do some laundry. When i got that in, I went to town to try to cash a check. Apparently nobody cashes checks anymore these days. So that was kind of a bummer. While I waited for my laundry to finish drying, I went over to the admissions building to hang out with the girls there. We were talking and having fun, then they gave me a giant rice krispy treat the size of a laptop! So they made me pretty happy. Then they also gave me a sweet pirate pencil! At this point a realized this day could probably not get much better, other then getting teleported to a lush island on a beach. I was wrong, little did I know what was coming in the mail.
I've been waiting for a package that I ordered, so I went to the mail room and was talking to my friend there. She said, "Oh chris, you have two packages." The other one was a care package from a dear friend. Let me tell you, that was the best surprise gift I've ever gotten. The package was full of lots of really cool things that most people probably would think was dumb. Thats because most people are dumb. He sent me some awesome stuff, a few things were a star wars lunch box, a Thor pez despenser, some legos, and a sweet knock-off toy. It was spider man with a sniper rifle, his name was Sniper Man, but it was spider man. So it was just an awesome surprise!
Anyways, I'm still alive up here. We had snowcamp again this weekend. I got to counsel. It was pretty fun, and one of the guys in my cabin trusted Christ this weekend. It was a crazy weekend, and tomorrow we start classes. Pretty much non stop here. But don't worry people! I'm still alive.
I've been waiting for a package that I ordered, so I went to the mail room and was talking to my friend there. She said, "Oh chris, you have two packages." The other one was a care package from a dear friend. Let me tell you, that was the best surprise gift I've ever gotten. The package was full of lots of really cool things that most people probably would think was dumb. Thats because most people are dumb. He sent me some awesome stuff, a few things were a star wars lunch box, a Thor pez despenser, some legos, and a sweet knock-off toy. It was spider man with a sniper rifle, his name was Sniper Man, but it was spider man. So it was just an awesome surprise!
Anyways, I'm still alive up here. We had snowcamp again this weekend. I got to counsel. It was pretty fun, and one of the guys in my cabin trusted Christ this weekend. It was a crazy weekend, and tomorrow we start classes. Pretty much non stop here. But don't worry people! I'm still alive.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
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