This past Saturday night I was invited to a Christmas party at a friend's house. It was a lot of fun too. For some reason in my mind I was imagining about 30 people being there. Was I ever wrong! There was more like 600 people there!!! ok really only about 150. But half of them were kids so it was a bit crazy! Anyways, me and some of my friends were sitting around playing spoons. Generally one uses metal spoons but we used plastic ones. After a while I guess people got tired to playing the game, so they started throwing spoons at people and smashing them with their fists. Of course being the wise mature man that I am, i didn't smash any. I was surprised that nobody had gotten cut by it yet. Well a little while later I decided to pick up a broken spoon. Somehow, i managed to slice my finger open on a sharp edge. I don't know how but it happened. So after that was all taken care of I picked up a book to read out loud. It was a really weird kids book about a foster home. The first chapter was about how a kid got his legs run over. A very strange book.

Last night my good friend David and I decided that it would be a good time to have one last cook out of the year. So at 8 last night we went to walmart to buy some hamburgers. Now, this summer I have become well known for the hamburgers I cook on the grill. People love them!! And usually it didn't matter what brand I bought. So we grabbed some last night and I started cooking them. I should have known they would be bad. First, they weren't the nice pink color when I opened them. They were more of a dull brown. Second they smelled like soy, not beef. Thats never a good sign. Thirdly, (the best reason) hamburgers are not supposed to bloat when being cooked. There must have been some protective invisible covering over the outside, because several of them began to bloat as I cooked them. But you can never know till you test them. Let me just say I have NEVER not finished I hamburger and thrown it out. I did last night. So it looks like we will have to have another cookout before the new year. I can't let this year end with the last cookout being the worst one!