Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My new pets

I have decided that I should get a few new pets since I don't have my turtle anymore.     
                                                            Maybe a guy like this.
                                                            Or a bear like this.
Or I could get this guy too. Anymore ideas? let me know if you have some.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas parties are dangerous

      This past Saturday night I was invited to a Christmas party at a friend's house. It was a lot of fun too. For some reason in my mind I was imagining about 30 people being there. Was I ever wrong! There was more like 600 people there!!! ok really only about 150. But half of them were kids so it was a bit crazy! Anyways, me and some of my friends were sitting around playing spoons. Generally one uses metal spoons but we used plastic ones. After a while I guess people got tired to playing the game, so they started throwing spoons at people and smashing them with their fists. Of course being the wise mature man that I am, i didn't smash any. I was surprised that nobody had gotten cut by it yet. Well a little while later I decided to pick up a broken spoon. Somehow, i managed to slice my finger open on a sharp edge. I don't know how but it happened. So after that was all taken care of I picked up a book to read out loud. It was a really weird kids book about a foster home. The first chapter was about how a kid got his legs run over. A very strange book.
Last night my good friend David and I decided that it would be a good time to have one last cook out of the year. So at 8 last night we went to walmart to buy some hamburgers. Now,  this summer I have become well known for the hamburgers I cook on the grill. People love them!! And usually it didn't matter what brand I bought. So we grabbed some last night and I started cooking them. I should have known they would be bad. First, they weren't the nice pink color when I opened them. They were more of a dull brown. Second they smelled like soy, not beef. Thats never a good sign. Thirdly, (the best reason) hamburgers are not supposed to bloat when being cooked. There must have been some protective invisible covering over the outside, because several of them began to bloat as I cooked them. But you can never know till you test them. Let me just say I have NEVER not finished I hamburger and thrown it out. I did last night. So it looks like we will have to have another cookout before the new year. I can't let this year end with the last cookout being the worst one!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Snow and Christmas trees

    This Wednessday I drove home from upstate New York. Here at home it rained quite a bit, well it was very different up in the Adirondacks. This is what it looked like in the morning.
   As you can see this isn't rain, but rather 8 inches of fresh snow.
     Today we got our Christmas tree and starting to decorate it. My sisters also have these miniture towns and then they made little people to put with them. I think there pretty amazing!

Monday, November 7, 2011


    For the past few weekends I have been going with one of my friends to a church about 1 and a half hours away. We have been working in the churches barn repairing stuff for a small skate park. This is going to be an outreach into the community to kids that skate but would never come to church. So far we've only had one guy show up, but we haven't advertised for it yet, we've still been working on it. Its a lot of fun to do, and I'm learning more stuff about skateboarding.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Winter and Bikes

   As many of you don't know, it is getting cold up here in the Adirondaks. Today it has been flurrying most of the day. However since the ground is not yet frozen, it has not been laying. But soon it will get cold and we will have snow. I'm excited about it, i do miss summer but winter will be good too. This past weekend a few of my friends and I decided it would be fun to sleep outside in the freezing temperatures. So we made a roaring fire and slept in a lean-too on the mountain behind our campus. It was pretty fun! So we decided we are going to do it again this weekend!
    Another thing I have recently done is painted my bike flat black. It actually looks really nice and may of my friends are doing the same.
    In less then 4 weeks I will be back home on Christmas break!!! I'm pretty excited to be home for a little while and spend time relaxing and working to make some much needed cash. Well thats pretty much all there is to tell right now.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hiking and Caving

       This past weekend my sister and cousin and beloved friend Joe came to visit me. So on saturday we went hiking and caving! Here are some pictures.

Monday, October 3, 2011


    Hey everybody!
I'm still here in New York surviving! It is really beautiful here, the leaves are starting to turn colors and the weather is getting cooler. It is definitely fall here in the Adirondacks. Hopefully I'll be able to go do some hiking soon, this is one of the best times of the year for hiking.
    This is the view from the bottom of the hill in front of my cabin. its a little cloudy out but its still really nice out.

    On another note, I have a missions trip this spring that I'll be going on. I get to go to Brazil for 10 days to help out with some camps down there! I'm super excited about it! However these things do cost money, so I'm required to raise $2200 in support. If you would be interested in helping me out with money, send me your address in a message on facebook and I'll be sure to send you a support letter. Some of you will get them anyway. :) Don't feel like you have to give a lot, but every little bit helps!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New York

   It has been quite a long time since I have had the privilege to update everyone on my current status of life. I have now been at Word of Life Bible Institute for 2 weeks. It is located deep in the Adirondacks. The scenery here is really beautiful. However the weather has allready been unnaturally cold. Last week there were many days that it did not get out of the 50's. But I believe this week is supposed to be warmer then last.
    I was accepted into the position of being an RA for a dorm room. I am very thankful that God has given me this position to be a leader on campus. The guys in my dorm are all pretty cool. I haven't had to throw any of them around yet. The food has been pretty good as well. So in general things are going really well. However I am pretty busy with school and job related things, and of course being popular. So if you don't hear from me in a while, I'm probably not dead. Just busy.

Please Pray:
 I would be a Godly example
 I won't get sick
 Finances to pay for the year.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A sum up of the summer

   In case you did not know, the summer is pretty much over. Sorry to disappoint those of you who thought it was only half way through. So I figured I'll kinda sum up whats been going on during my summer especially the last few weeks.
    My friends and I had a lot of fires, went fishing, and cooked out a lot. That brings us to approximately to 3 weeks ago. I have this friend who lives very close to my house. His name is David. David is pretty cool, and he loves batman. I also enjoy batman comics and movies. Well one day my friend David brought it to my attention that there was going to be a scene from the new Batman movie filmed in Pittsburgh this year. He also pointed out that they needed a large amount of extras for this particular scene. So we applied and got accepted to be extras in the scene. Dark and late one Friday evening/Saturday morning (it was 12:00 AM) I got up and drove to get David from work. We drove to Pittsburgh where we spent the entire day being the coolest extras ever. Then we drove home.
    A week later I went to Purple Door and saw a bunch of awesome bands play. My favorite band was there as well which made me very happy, Showbread. So that was pretty cool.
   The following Sunday my family went to the beach in North Myrtle Beach, SC. It was a nice week of relaxation and eating and swimming. A pretty good time in general. And I found a dead shark but sadly I did not have my phone with me so I couldn't take a picture. Shortly after returning from the beach another good friend of mine called me. He asked if I wanted to go to the North Carolina with him to visit his relatives for a few days. Naturally I did what any bored single man of 21 would do. I said OF COURSE!!!! So while I was waiting for him to get to my house, I was chilling in the living room when a tremor rippled through our house. It turns out that it was the earthquake everybody all ready knows about. Soon we were on our way to Galax, Virginia to drop off a friend at her house. While we were there we discovered the meaning behind the name of the town. Apparently there is a leaf called the Galax leaf that grows there. I have yet to find out if it grows anywhere else in the world. We then drove to North Carolina where we went swimming at the Outer Banks while they were evacuating everyone. Its a good time to go, very few people and big waves. The next day the hurricane struck, so we sat around watching TV and playing games and eating food. Eventually we left North Carolina to head back to VA to get our friend then back to PA. Now I sit at home preparing to go to Word of Life Bible Institute next Tuesday.
   I must say this has been one of the best summers I've had so far. Thanks to all the cool people that helped it to be like that.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Cheif

    So a lot of you are probably very concerned because I have not posted an update in several weeks. Well, don't worry, I'm actually alive and well. I've just been really busy being cool and earning money and spending it. But don't be alarmed! I shall in fact give you a sum up of my summer. Not yet though, because it is not quite over.

    However, I do have something to tell you all about. There is this little terrier dog thing that wanders around our neighborhood. He's just a tiny little pooch but he walks around like he owns the neighborhood. The funny thing is that no other dogs are allowed to do that. He seems to be the only one that gets free to run around. At first I was annoyed by this little dog, but while mowing the grass today he pranced on by me and that's when I realized I actually liked this pooch. His name is Rigsey.
This is what he looks like, except that he is black and white.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Spoons and other cool stuff

    Do you people remember those awesome cereal spoons you used to get that would change different colors when you put them in milk? I thought of them today at work, i really want to get one now.
      So its blisteringly hot outside today and gonna be worse tomorrow, so figured i'd give you people some ideas to cool off.
1. Go to the Arctic.
2. Get someone to drive there car and you hang on by a rope while riding on a skateboard, and have someone else drive beside YOU and shoot you with super soakers.
3. Fill up the bathtub with ice and cold water and bubbles and get a rubber ducky.
4. Wait till tonight then run around jumping in neighbors pools.

I hope these help you cool off a little today. I have nothing else to say.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Friendly's and God.

Last night I went to friendlys with my brothers and two friends. We had a really awesome time. I naturally asked for the picture to color because I think its very manly for a man to color while waiting for his food. Well I colored this lovely picture.

I've also been contemplating on God's love and what it means for us and how we biblically should love other people. Its pretty awesome I think. And I have been having problems with getting really pissed with my job because of the retarded people that i have to work for and with. But in Nehemiah 8:10 it says "the joy of the Lord is my strength." So I felt slightly convicted that I have not been getting my strength from the right source. It has to come from the joy of what the Lord did for us.

        I also just got the deck for my skateboard. Now i'm waiting for everything else to come.
   So I hope you people enjoy this post and dont run of a cliff because i'm stupid. Cuz then I wouldnt see you till heaven and that would be stupid of you.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A very manly day

So yesterday was one of the most manly days i've ever had. I think the best way to express it will be by making a list. I took a few pictures that I think will help capture the manliness of it. So I start my day:
Get up at 11 in the morning.
Have coffee with my devotions
Work on my car
Do stuff for school this fall
Cut grass without a shirt on and get my leg cut open by a flying rock
Call David
Now this needs a few more details. We hiked to a waterfall that I knew of back in the woods. After a half hour of hiking, we arrived.

We hung around here for a while swimming and checking out this snake. Then we hiked back and met up with a park ranger and chatted with him for a bit.

After this we went home. I'll continue in list style now.

Eat a bowl of chile
Hold an infant
Watch a manly movie
At this point my friend David and I decided its time to eat once more. So we went to walmart and got hotdogs and hamburgers. And we grilled them outside on the grill in the dark at 10 P.M. using a flashlight.

Only after doing all this, we watched some Star Trek. I fear if we would have done anything more manly, the day would have died. Truly a very manly day.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The very begining

So this is the first post obviously. This weekend was pretty cool. I started out by going to Knoebles with some friends of mine. Let me say one thing, riding roller coasters in the dark is much more fun than in the daytime. And never go on a ferriswheel with to people that a terrified of heights.
Saturday I went geocaching with some friends and my brother. While we had a lot of fun, we didnt actually find any of the ones we looked for. But it was still fun.